Hey Everyone. I know I'm not good at blogging. I know I know. But when you sit down to write there is so much to say I can never figure out what should come out first. Hence, I am posting patient stories. These are about out patients here at Mercy Ships that either me or another writer has already written. I try and only post the Kids that really made an impact on me personally, not just anyone. So know that when you read these children's stories that they in some way changed or touched me in a profound way.
This one is about Abel, he is an ortho patient that Elaine, MS writer, wrote about. But to me he is so amazing because he is so happy all the time. He is one of the first people I encountered here that made me think that God put people in the world just so you know he is real. People so wonderful you cannot know them and not know that there is a God. When you look at his pictures and read his story below imagine how hard your life would have been if your legs looked like that. Because I know, I would have been so angry at the world and miserable, but he wasn't, he was happy and now hes even happier, I just saw him 20 minutes ago during his check up visit and I was like ' I have to go tell someone about this kid'. So here ya go:
Abel is an unusually happy eleven-year-old, who says his favorite thing to do is to make friends . His attitude is exceptional, considering the physical problem he has been living with for most of his life, and the reaction of most people to that problem.
His childhood was normal until a problem arose following an injection. The muscles in his legs stopped growing, but the bones didn’t. Because there was so little musculature to direct them, his legs did not grow as they should have. They began to bend backward at the knee, forcing his upper thighs out behind him. .His parents took him to three different doctors, but none of them knew what to do for him.
Despite this condition, the resolute Abel learned to correct his balance enough to walk, climb, and do about anything any other active boy could do. He’s even the goalkeeper on his football (soccer) team. The only thing he couldn’t do was ride a bicycle, since it requires sitting straight on the seat and pumping down on the pedals from the front.
His physical problem was so out of the ordinary, that the other children made him the object of ridicule, calling him terrible names and beating him. Yet, all of this never brought him to despair, never dampened his joyful spirit. His parents, however, were greatly concerned for his future.
One day, there was an announcement on the radio that a Mercy Ship was coming to Togo, offering surgeries without charge. Abel’s father was hopeful that this time maybe some-thing could be done for his son. He brought Abel to an orthopedic screening in Lome, where he received his appointment card for a surgery on the hospital ship Africa Mercy. Several days later, the volunteer surgeons straightened his left leg.
A wonderful surprise awaited Abel when he awoke after surgery. His left leg was straight out in front of him, wrapped in a cast. He sat in his bed admiring it. Then he asked his dad, seated beside his hospital bed, if his right leg would also be straight after the next surgery. His father assured him that it would. “If the other leg is going to be like this one, I am going to give a big thanks to the Lord,” said a jubilant Abel. In a few days, the second surgery straightened his right leg.
The surgeries have required a long period of recovery. During that time, he and his dad have been staying at the Hospitality Center a short distance from the ship. Here, Abel did, indeed, make many friends among the other children recovering from surgeries. Many times, Abel and his dad were transported to the ship for post operative care before the third procedure, plastic surgery on his knees. So, Abel has made many friends among the crew, also; flashing his brilliant smile in appreciation of all that is done for him.
With the World Cup approaching, Abel is intensely interested in watching his favorite sport, and especially his favorite player, Chelsea’s Didier Drogba on TV. After so many weeks of recuperation, he is eagerly looking to getting out on the field himself. But his long-term goal is to become a surgeon some day, like those on the Mercy Ships “because of the things they have done for me,” he said.
Written By:
Elaine Winn, PR Writer for Mercy Ships
Before Surgery
Before again
After surgery, walking to the Africa Mercy gangway
Abel Dalome! Happy Kiddo at the hospitality center in LomeAbel walking during a video interview
Prayer Request :
On a personal note please everyone pray because I am trying to extend to go to South Africa with Mercy Ships but there are difficulties finding a position I could take as well as the funding.
Most of you might be aware that my mom is hosting a benefit softball turnament if not call her up! And I also added a donate button here on my page so you can use ur CC to donate if you feel called to do so. Funds are used to pay crew fees here on the ship and personal expenses, like toiletries and transport from one place to anther.
But most of all pray they can find me a spot to work. I'm not ready to leave Africa :(